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Honor your wellness through a ritual of renewal with our Sacred Rhythms Membership.

For $147 per month, you’ll receive four Sanctuary sessions. Bring back the timeless tradition of holistic self-care in your life. Each visit is an opportunity to engage in sacred practices that restore the body, clear the mind, and uplift the spirit.

Enjoy the rhythm of regular visits and you’ll notice tangible changes, such as feeling more grounded, connected, and present in an ever-busy world.

Compared to the regular price of $268 for 4 sessions, you’ll save 45%.

Sign up for the Sacred Rythyms Membership Online

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Can I cancel my membership?

Yes, you can cancel anytime with 5 business days notice before your next billing.

  • Can I transfer or share my membership with someone else?

Sorry, your membership can only be used by you. 

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